This is an opportunity for your organisation to conduct an analysis of the level of exposure to critical incidents experienced in a specified occupational group. Using the PRIMA-EF framework approach, the Job Content CI audit will act as an indicator tool, based on the frequencies and type of incidents typically experienced by and likely to be experienced by an occupational group or division within an organisation, as measured in the previous 5 years.
The Job Content CI audit will help inform the organisations’ required level of support that should be available for their employees, based on the frequency of exposure or likelihood of occurrence. Individual employees experiences of these potentially traumatic incidents will also be measured using the employee survey and will provide a more accurate quotient of critical incident exposure for organisations or occupational groups. Both of the above measures of auditing job content will help provide a robust quotient for the overall level of critical incident exposure and help inform supportive action plans pertinent to organisations.
5 simple steps to completing your Job Content CI Audit
The nominated HSE Work PositiveCI coordinator, in consultation with the steering committee, must first identify the appropriate individual to complete the Job content audit (the Job content reviewer). The analysis should be assigned to the line manager who oversees the relevant department and is aware of the incidents employees are exposed to and likely to be exposed to in their course of work.
The Job content reviewer should take 2-3 mins to read the questions in detail before selecting the appropriate option(s). The 1st column outlines a list of events that may have occurred in your workplace over the previous 5 years or that are likely to occur in the future. These types of incidents have been identified in international and national research as particularly difficult to deal with, psychologically and emotionally, and could be identified as critical incidents that pose psychological hazards for those in frontline occupations (CISM Network Ireland, 2011).
The 2nd column divides “the likelihood of these events into a simple scale ranging from ‘Almost certain’ ‘Very likely’, ‘Likely’, ‘Unlikely’ to ‘Almost impossible’. The timelines should be used as a guide. It is important that the reviewer reads and understands the scale in advance of scoring.
Now that you are familiar with the content, think what critical incidents your employees have been exposed to and are likely to be exposed to in their course of work. To achieve accurate results, it is important that you populate all Primary CI Related stressors (questions 1-8) and Secondary CI related (questions (a)-(d)).
Secondary related stressors can cause more distress such as repeated exposures over a short period of time. It is important to estimate the secondary stressor section for any occupational group that are regularly witnessing the primary CIs.
Once complete, the Job Content CI audit results should be returned to the HSE Work PositiveCI coordinator for review as part of the final action plan.
Some Frequently Asked Questions...
The Job Content CI audit is designed to be an indication of employee exposure to critical incidents. It will provide you with an audit of the likelihood of workplace exposure to critical incidents and identify the necessary support measures required (e.g. establish and train peer support teams). It will also help identify underlying risks.
This exercise should be completed by line managers of a particular occupational role. The line manager can obtain additional support through the relevant organisational Health and Safety Manager or Human Resources Manager if necessary. It is important that the correct individual completes this exercise, one who has knowledge of the day to day work activities of those being assessed.
Yes. This is necessary as each department is exposed to different risks and critical incidents in their line of work. If you are completing the HSE Work PositiveCI process across a number of departments, the Job Content CI Audit should be assigned to the line manager who oversees the relevant department and is aware of the incidents employees are exposed to. This will allow you to identify risks and control measures at the appropriate level.
It should take no longer than 10-15 minutes to complete the full analysis. Remember, this is designed to be a quick and simple process. Just study the list and tick the appropriate likelihood of exposure. The process may take a little longer if you decide to consult with other internal staff such as the health and safety department or human resource department.
Don’t worry if you have identified some ‘red’ high exposure risks. These will form part of your action plan. Free guidance, tools and supports are available to assist you in addressing your findings.