What Is HSE Work PositiveCI?
The HSE Work PositiveCI is a risk management process used to measure employee wellbeing and critical incident exposure under six key work areas (see below). HSE Work PositiveCI will monitor positive employee wellbeing and help prevent work-related stress. Additional sections have been added to HSE Work PositiveCI which include workplace safety, health and health promotion and improvement to provide a comprehensive overview of our staffs safety, health and wellbeing. This is your opportunity to influence how your department, service and the organisations supports you so that you can live your best work life. Completion of this survey will activate an action plan which will be implemented and monitored. This is a completely confidential survey. Results are compiled by an external agency and your manager will only receive a report with a specific action plan based on everyone’s response.
Sections reflected in the survey are as follows:
- Work Stressors: such exposures are reviewed using HSE Work PositiveCI, which is based on the Health & Safety Executive UK Management Standards. This process reviews work Demands, Roles, Relationships, Control, Change and Support.
- Psychological Wellbeing: This section examines how you are feeling both in and out of work, to see if further supports can be made available through your department or service. It is important to note that this section is concerned with your lifestyle and wellbeing issues and not necessarily work-related issues.
- Critical Incidents: A Critical Incident has been defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "an event out of the range of normal experience, one that is sudden and unexpected, may make you lose control, involves the perception of a threat to life and may include elements of physical or emotional loss”. The HSE Work PositiveCI survey contains Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) questions for you to indicate the frequency and scale of experiences of critical incidents encountered within your role and the types of support measures that may be most helpful. This section may not be relevant to all employees.
- Work Safe: As we spend so much of our time at work, it is a vital component of any survey to look at the safety behaviours and culture of our staff. This section looks at the understanding of employees with regards to their Health & Safety.
- Stay Well / Healthy: The HSE recognises that our employees are its greatest asset and prioritises their health and wellbeing in line with the Healthy Ireland Framework and Healthy Ireland in the Health Service Implementation Plan. It is essential that the work environment and organisational culture supports our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
- Health Promotion: In this section, you can have your say as to what you would like to have in your workplace that will help and assist you both in and out of work. The information here will directly influence the plans for health promotion initiatives to support staff health and wellbeing in your area, so please indicate which activities/programme interest you most.
What happens after the survey?
The survey result (data) is processed by an independent service provider, Wellhub, in compliance with applicable Data Protection legislation.
The results will then be reported to each manager of the service/department. There are no identifiers in this survey and so individuals cannot be identified. The results will indicate areas of concerns/potential risks and provide a specific action plan for implementation by both your manager and yourselves as staff.
It is an opportunity for you to highlight areas of concern and to commence positive changes in your workplace.
Is this different to the recent staff survey?
Yes, this is a validated survey using international standards from the Health & Safety Executive in the UK and standards from the World Health Organisation to provide feedback to managers on how healthy our workforce is. It has been further enhanced to include other safety, health and wellbeing measures.
Once the survey results have been processed, each manager will receive a report identifying areas for improvement and a specific action plan to assist. This is first time that such a survey will have specific action plans developed based on your survey inputs. The survey will not provide individual feedback but feedback on the whole team's input, therefore it is really important that you have your say.
Why should I get involved?
Why wouldn’t you get involved if you want to make your workplace a better place to work? Then this is your chance.
Where will the results of my survey go?
HSE Work PositiveCI is completely confidential. The data is processed by an independent service provider in compliance with applicable Data Protection legislation. The response from the entire department/service are collated and compared with Irish Norms to give your manager an accurate reflection of work stressors and safety culture within your department/service. For more information go to www.hseworkpositive.com. This information is collated into a report with a specific action plan based on your team's responses, this is why all staff should complete the survey.