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What is HSE Work PositiveCI?

HSE Work PositiveCI is a completely confidential psychosocial risk management process, using validated tools to measure our “work force” in the following areas;


  • Work Stressors: Which are looked at using HSE Work PositiveCI, which is based on the HSE UK Management Standards to review work Demands, Roles, Relationships, Support, Control and Change.
  • Psychological Wellbeing: This section looks at how your staff are feeling both in and out of work, to see if further supports can be made available to the department/services.
  • Critical Incidents: A Critical Incident (CI) has been defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as "an event out of the range of normal experience, one that is sudden and unexpected, may make you lose control, involves the perception of a threat to life and may include elements of physical or emotional loss”. The HSE Work PositiveCI survey contains CISM sectorial specific audit questions for individual participants to indicate the frequency and scale of experiences of critical incidents encountered within their job and the types of support measures that may be most helpful. Exposure to CI are part of this survey however if you are unsure as to your staffs exposure to critical incidents then you can conduct an analysis of the level of exposure to critical incidents experienced in a specified occupational group, using the Job Content CI audit as an indicator tool which is  at 
  • Work Safe:  As we spend so much of our time at work we are asking your staff to consider both personal and task safety processes.
  • Stay Well / Healthy: The Health Service Executive (HSE) recognises that staff are its greatest asset and prioritises their health and wellbeing in line with the Healthy Ireland Framework.  It is essential that the work environment and organisational culture supports your staffs physical and mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Health Promotion: This is where your staff can have their say on what they would like to have in their workplace that will help and assist them both in and out of work.  The information here will directly influence the plans for health promotion initiatives to support staff health and wellbeing.


This is the first time that all elements of employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing have been integrated into one survey to give Managers an overall picture of employee health, safety and wellbeing risks with specific action plan to address potential risks.


Is this different to the recent staff survey?

Yes, this is a validated survey using international standards from the Health & Safety Executive in the UK and standards from the World Health Organisation to provide feedback to Managers as to how healthy our workforce is.


Once the survey results have been processed, then you as Manager will receive a report identifying areas for improvement with a specific action plan to assist.


Is this mandatory?

Yes, the responses from your entire department/service are collated and compared with Irish norms to give you, as Manager, an accurate reflection of work stressors, critical incidents. Completion of the entire survey will provide you, as a Manager, with a comprehensive understanding and review of your staffs health, safety and wellbeing within your department/service. This information is collated into a report with a specific action plan based on everyone’s responses, this is why all staff must complete the survey. Click here for more information on how the survey is scored.   


What are the benefits to my service/department from completion of this survey?

The implementation of HSE Work PositiveCI framework can lead to the following benefits:


  • Reduced absenteeism and turnover
  • Reduced workplace stress and critical incident stress
  • Reduced occupational health referrals
  • Increased employee satisfaction, productivity and overall engagement
  • Fewer complaints
  • Increased risk awareness
  • Reduced claims exposure 
  • Assist with legislative compliance


This framework has been reviewed by an expert group to ensure that it meets with the requirements of the HSE and has incorporated safety and health sections which will provide a holistic response/action plan to improve your employees’ safety, health and wellbeing.


Is this a confidential survey?

HSE Work PositiveCI is completely confidential. The data is processed by an independent service provider in compliance with applicable Data Protection legislation.


What is the output of the survey?

The response from your entire department/service are collated and compared with Irish norms to give you as manager an accurate reflection of work stressors and safety culture within your department/service. This information is collated into a report with specific action plans based on your staffs responses, this is why all staff should complete the survey.


In addition, at a National level the enhanced reporting capabilities will provide data across the organisation. This can then be used together with other KPI’s to influence, instruct or enhance existing strategies, supports and other initiatives to reduce this risk.


How long will it take to complete?

It should take your staff approx. 20 minutes to complete the survey.


What do I need to do next?

Simple work through the four HSE Work PositiveCI stages. 


Thank you for engaging with us on this survey as we really want to make our workplace a better place to work.